Sunday, 23 December 2018

Unexpected Post

Yesterday I had pretty much given up any hope of making my weekly post today. Thursday afternoon our Internet connection died. It flatlined. We tried rebooting the whole system. We tried bypassing the router. I checked the connection box outside. The tower on the roof looked fine. Not even a whiff of a connection.

My experiences with troubleshooting Internet issues with our provider have not always been good but we had no choice but to give them a call if we ever expected service again. (They are the only game in town for us by the way). Part of the problem is that we live in a rather remote corner of the province. Our home phone runs through our Internet connection so we can't just call and work with a technician. In the past, our troubleshooting procedures have required a certain amount of creativity. On one occasion we actually formed a chain of people within earshot of each other and a pair of walkie-talkies all the way to a local farmer's home so that we could troubleshoot over the phone. This time was simple. The tech actually listened to the procedures that we'd already gone through to try to solve the problem and he decided our tower top modem had died. He put in a service order and we were supposed to have a repairman visit within 24 to 48 hours. To our surprise, this guy arrived this morning within less than a day. The muddy road had frozen overnight so we didn't even have to hike in his equipment. As anyone can see we are back in business.

I'm off work all this coming week and a few days next week so expect something to happen at MFCP Woodworking. I'm hoping to at the very least make some footage for a number of upcoming videos for the YouTube channel. I'm hoping to spend some needed effort in promoting our giveaway. To date, I haven't been able to pay it a lot of attention. There are a lot of things on my plate but there should be time to get a few things done. I may post something midweek. We'll see how it all plays out. For now, I'm just glad to be back online.

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